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Crunchy green mango and fried fish salad with chilli and strawberry jam sauce

This recipe is a creation of our school. On a classic base, the green mango salad, we add fried fish caught locally and Chiang Mai strawberries as seasoning. Serves 2.

Chilli jam: 3 dry spur chilies, deseeded 5 shallots 4 garlic cloves 100 ml fish stock 3 tablespoons tamarind juice 2 tablespoons fish sauce 0.5 tablespoon soy sauce 4 strawberries pureed + 2 teaspoons coconut sugar or, depending on the season, 2 tablespoons strawberry jam

Blend finely chilies, shallots, garlic and fish stock. When the mixture is smooth, pour into a saucepan. Reduce the sauce over medium heat while adding the seasoning: tamarind, fish sauce, soy sauce and strawberry jam. When the sauce has halved, taste to adjust the seasoning: the sauce should be salty and sweet with a touch of sourness.

Frying: 4 dry chilies 60 grams of unsalted peanuts 300 g snapper-type fish fillets cut into 2 cm slices 1 pinch of salt 4 tablespoons tempura flour or wheat flour vegetable oil for frying

Salt the fish and roll into tempura flour. Remove excess flour. Set aside.

Fry the chilies for about 1 minute. Be careful, dried chilies burn quickly. Then drain on kitchen paper and set aside. Repeat with peanuts, then with fish (about 2 minutes cooking time for the fish).

Salad: 1 green mango, peeled and cut into fine julienne 3 coriander sprigs, chopped 1 spring onion, chopped 4 shallots, sliced 2 tablespoons lime juice

In a large bowl, pour mango, herbs and shallots. Add the sauce prepared according to the above instructions. Mix well and taste to adjust the seasoning: some green mangoes are very sour and do not require the addition of 2 tablespoons of lime.

Carefully incorporate the fish into the preparation. Transfer to a serving platter. Garnish with chilies and peanuts.

Tip: the green apple is a good substitute for green mango. Both are crisp and sour.


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